Friday, June 11, 2010

a night at grandma's

last night, i went to my 1st house. :) home sweet home. the house where have all the memories that safely kept in mine. bitter. but more to sweet & sour. so, i went to my room. it was really spooky. haha. bersawang sana sini. (-_-") nanti ada masa sa cuci ko aa my bilik? ngeh~ kita cat balik! warna hitam! haha. supaya x ketara all the habuk2 next time. *ok, pemalas rupanya ya.

So, that night, i slept with my grandma d living room. bukannya sa ni penakut, tp dia yang minta kawan tidur k? betul ni. x tipu punya. :D So sweet kan us? hihi. & kami tgk movie d laptop. we watched Tropic Thunder, bulum sampai half pun the movie, then she said, " bukan ni ka palakon tu yg lakon sm tu sister tu? yg dia jadi brother tu?" what she meant was Jack Black, the nacho libre. Yes i said. u wanna watch that? "Ya mau" (-_-") sa tukar la movie. nacho libre. bulum sampai half, grandma tdur suda! adeh~ sa trus tukar movie, gangster high. punya ensom tu lelaki! haha!


i woke up at 10 a.m. sbb my grandma membebel d sebelah. 

"laaaatt...alalala...bila la ko mo bgn ni? gobulan moti ti tondu hoi.. saaanaa suda atas tu matahari...bgn la ko yo..bla bla bla bla blaa.." 

mode: tekanan & ngantuk. 

loading lu otak...1%...5%....10%....20%... 

"ai ai aiii..tii sumandak..koposik gia iaa...kano mongoi hilo tamu gia..suru c pippy ambi kita.."

omg~ sa bgn then duduk d sofa. then kasi distract her attention. pura2 tny la pasal our great-grandma, nenek Bonut. as i saw her picture on the wall. she was a great boboliyan at Kg. Kiau, Kota Belud (jalan ranau). She said nenek Bonut ni byk peliharaan. bukan 1 ja. tp baaanyak.. xtau p mana suda suma.  hmm.. i said to myself, "hey maa..ada 1 cni sm2 sa.." tp sa diam2 ja.. kalo ckp mmg kena grandma ni kuat agama. x pcy benda2 tahyul. tp pa2 pun, at least i did make her forget for a while pasal suru sa bgn n p mandi n mau p tamu. :P

although my grandma ni byk ckp. kdg2 can not tahan her mulut. seriouly. sgt BISING! but she is a kind-hearted woman & i love her so much. she is the one who's taking care of us since we were baby. :') love u ma. no matter wut, i owez be wif u. xoxo~

wearing our traditional costume during her Unduk Ngadau warga emas. :)