Thursday, May 20, 2010

Pesta Kaamatan - Runduk Tadau Tuaran 2010

Baino id tadau diti

Nokoimbulai ko kawagu

Songulun tondu tolundus

Ika no ih Unduk Ngadau

it was a great and meaningful experience i had when i participate this beauty pageant. it was my first time though. and i joined it because of my mom keep on asking me each and every year! "latt..p la ko ikut tu unduk ngadau ba...bila lg ko mo p try ni..limit umur 25thn tu..p la ko ikut.." every kaamatan she will say the same thing. adeh~ last2 drpd kena bising lagi, sa ikut ja la. kasi puas ati org tua kan. hehe.

thank you to everyone yg dtg, support, wish sa tu. tinggi btl ba harapan kamu tu. siou kio? bukan rezeki sa. yg penting sa x quit kan? hehe. 

so, here are some of the pictures taken on that day. :)

congrats to all the winners specially to Miss Ledesma Steven :)

Friday, May 14, 2010

against domestic violence!

While you SCREAM at your woman, 

there's a man wishing he could talk softly to her ear... 


there's a man flirting with her and reminding her how wonderful she is...

While you HURT your woman,

there's a man wishing he could make love to her...

While you make your woman CRY,

there's a man stealing smiles from her...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

OMG! he's cute. but he's annoying!

currently i'm very addcited to the annoying orange. he makes me laughs out loud til my lungs wanna come out! shett~ ok, this is my fav video of him. hehe.