Monday, September 27, 2010

stressful days.


it's been a whining,crying & complaining days for me this recently. 
ya ya ya. i know. it's not good to whine n all bout stuff. but as for me, it's the only way that can make me release my tension. 
besides singing & ice-creams & vacation. byk rupanya kan? hihi. 
i just love being a spoilt brat to my sayang. weeeee~
he says i am his princess2 :D awwww..

ok, back to the main point.
why stress?

  1. SANGAT banyak ASSignments. that's kinda normal for a student la kan? ya wutever.TAPI i can't find any of my data for my research. how come? mustahil tiada kan?! do i have to change my title? no way. kena bg lagi ASSignment yg lain2 last minute, due date pun kena bg bbrp hari ja. -_-"
  2. maid mcm boss. she went back to her kampung last friday. then yesterday, she called my aunt, saying that she has a fever & must go to the hospital, "mau cek darah" dia blg. she promised will be back on Monday morning. but when i got home just now, aunty said the maid x pulang. mayb on wed @ thurs baru mau pulang. cuz dia demam. huh! excuses rejected!! then i just found out that she's been busybody about me behind my back. she once told me aunt, " malas sa c b***t oo kadang2, 1 piring ja pun dia xmau cuci." HUH! budu. maka sa sengaja kasi tggl piring, supaya ada juga kerja dia kan? dia trun dr atas tggl makan ja, dia igt dia boss ka?
  3. i juz found out about a friend of mine, a backstabber. ok ya, dulu penah juga dia tikam belakang. but i just let it go. forgive & forget. i'm so upset and frustrated, never knew that she's so talam dua muka.damn u! jealousy is what makes a bitch talk shit. 1 more thing, don't play games with a girl who can play better!
whatever it is, life must go on. as life is the art of drawing without the eraser.